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Her Majesty The Queen’s Platinum Jubilee

On Friday night (16th July) team members and their families gathered at One Planet Adventure, Llandegla, for a celebration evening. Over 40 team members have served for the required minimum of 5 years to qualify for the The Queen's Platinum Jubilee medal, the majority of which were able to attend to be presented with their medals by Andy Dunbobbin, The Police and Crime Commissioner for North Wales.

Some team members have such long service that they have other Queen's Jubilee medals too! But, it's not all about those with long service, the future of the team is with those just joining us, so we also welcomed our current group of new trainees to their first social event. Everyone who is an operational member was also given a new metal team badge. It was a great opportunity to recognise the family members who support the team by allowing our operational members to go out on searches, or rescues, at all hours of the day and night. No medals for them.... but they should get one for putting up with it!

At the end of the presentation we got everyone together for a team photo, something we haven't managed for quite a while. Thank you to Andy Dunbobbin for agreeing to present the medals and to One Planet Adventure for hosting the event, their pizzas are superb! Finally to Babs Boardwell for providing a fantastic set of photos for team members to share.

Here's a selection of the team members receiving their medals, some with just over 5 years service, up to Becky with over 33 years! You may spot other Jubilee medals and a host of others, including a BEM, MBE and various military service medals too. We did joke with Rich (who had a long and distinguished active service career in the British Army) that he might need to start another row! :-)


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